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Sat 13th Dec 2008

Party is arranged.
Detail will be announced later as a pleasant surprise.

No Smoking No Smoking.

Information will appear here as soon as the committee release it.
Information will also appear on mail lists

Reserve your place now! Contact the Committee

Extra Detail - More Later

  • Evening party, not some Kaffee & Kuchen thing ;-)
  • Not a Wirtshaus.
  • Limited places and already some gone as GEA-announcement was done much earlier than committee had expected.

Mark your diary. Reserve a place.

Subject: Re: GEA Christmas Party Sat 13th Dec. 

Hi GEA people on,
    The GEA Christmas Party tomorrow, Saturday Evening 13th Dec.

This Party Is Different ! :-) - Not like a normal boring GEA Party !
    - Free ! - No Money ! No Ticket, No Usual Paid Entry ! No raffle.
    - Drinks: No bar to buy drink. Free Gluehwein ! ... But ...
      Bring a bottle of wine or - or several of beer - whatever
      you want to drink - else go thirsty - like a normal private party.
    - Food: Bring some ! - like a normal private party - contact one
      of your 3 lady hostesses listed below, to co-ordinate so you don't
      All bring salad (some men inc. me dislike salad :-)
      (Tip for clueless blokes: a Pizza place does take away up the road).
    - Do Not come empty handed  - just like a normal private party.
      (There's a petrol station not so far that might sell beer - or not).
    - No boring usual GEA music, No usual GEA employed musician & 
      semi professional entertainer. We will play own CDs, Why not
      bring a CD or 2 of yours too ?  Discuss with your hosts
      or CD player owner which to play next, No paid DJ to convince.
    - Non Smoking Throughout - In rooms, toilet, hall & staircase.
      No balcony. Go downstairs & Outside building to smoke !
      (Suggestion on hour & half hour so you have others to chat to).
    - No Gate Crashers !!
        By Invitation Only ! 
        Only available to the vast majority of normal GEA members. 
        No admittance &/or physical ejection of any of :
            Censors of gea@@@yahoogroups webmaster
            of & associate fake
            reformers & dupes etc, who blocked GEA
            committee postings, promoted non GEA events
            in opposition, hijacked last months programme,
            mis-appropriated GEA funds etc, (which 
            disrupted running GEA & committee etc).
    - Please tell friends on gea@@@yahoogroups so they don't miss 
      party detail, we'd appreciate their company, but this is not sent
      to gea@@@yahoogroups as their censors etc are not acceptable.
      (a lot more people just got added to more welcome).
    - Where Is The Party ?
        Contact the committee for your Invitation & detail.
        If you already have contacted, we will privately email you
        the venue shortly after this posting is sent.

Please tell the committee you hope to come, Either:
- Email: "Just GEA Committee Members"
- Or see me 20:00 tonight at the Winterised Beer gardeners' venue of:
   Outlander, Weissen burger Platz 3, 81667 Munich.
- Or phone any committee member
    Alexandra Rosenberg       089 935106
    Birgit Hoeft              089 52314215
    Julian H. Stacey             089 26023276
    Traudl Putze              089 81099460

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