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GEA Logo GEA - Committee - End Left half of British Union Jack flag + Right half of German Flag

  • Statement written by Committee Secretary
    at request of Committee:

    (As received, plus hyper text click-able links added).
    From: Birgit Hoeft
    To: Julian H. Stacey
    Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 13:16:31 +0100

    Hello everybody, the actual gea-year will end in the middle of March. We want to thank all those, who made a contribution to the GEA by organizing events or participating in events, and we thank all those, who supported the committee during the last year.
    In an extraordinary meeting in January, all those who are on the GEA-yahoomailinglist were invited to vote for or against a change of the GEA to an organization without committee. Though this meeting broke rule 12 of the constitution and the committee did not agree with getting dissolved by so-called reformers : according to the result of this vote and to the fact, that many problems occured in the GEA last year, which were the reason why we could not find anyone who was willing to replace the resigned committeemembers, we decided, NOT to hold new elections for a new committee
    In case there should be a new committee within the next year, counting from the 13th of March 09, we will hand over the GEA-file and our financial report. If there should be no new committee by the 15th of March 2010, the files will be destroyed. (Unfortunately there is one part missing: we were not involved in the organizing of last year`s bonfirenight and the financial report of this event was not sent to us).

    We have some money left and decided, to give as many of you as possible the opportunity to benefit. This means: The money will be and partly has already been - used for ticket on walks and maps for walk organizers, a certain amount will go to charity, and some money will be spent for FREE DRINKS at Rechthaler Hof on Friday, the 13th, from 8:15! So be there in time! (First come first serve!)

    Best regards –
    Alexandra, Birgit, Traudl and Julian
    (committee members 2008 / 2009)

  • Announcement Following from Committee Secretary

    (As received).
    From: Birgit Hoeft <>
    To: <gea-announce @>
    Subject: Committee says good-bye
    Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 22:46:29 +0100

    Hello everybody
    the actual gea-year will end on the 13th of March 2009. There won`t be elections for a new committee this year! Detailed information about reasons for that and some general information e.g. about the GEA-finances you can find on the berklix-website:
    The committee says good-bye - and will spend a certain amount of the money which is left over from the good old GEA-times to invite you for a free drink!
    The rule is: First come first serve!
    The early bird catches the worm!
    (!!GEA-members only!!)
    See you on Friday 13th of March 8:15 pm in the cellarbar of the Rechthaler Hof!
    You might catch a worm in a nice disguise ( it might look like a beer).
    Best regards
    Alexandra Birgit Traudl and Julian
    (committee members 2008 / 2009) ......and last but not least our barkeeper at R.H. Peter

    gea-announce -
    Join List gea-announce@ Join List gea-chat@ Join List gea-org@ Beer Gardeners & skiers & walkers : bg@ & gea-ski@ & gea-walk@ Mail Lists

  • View from Chair of Committee , Julian



    I'd like to thank remaining committee members: Alexandra, Birgit & Traudl, they were carrying a heavy load long before they with other ex committee members co-opted me to join them to help last summer, & they've done sterling work since. Thanks a lot !


    So what really happened, you may wonder ?

    Unfortunately, others outside the committee swamped the committee with Many disputes (far more in a few months, than I saw years back when I was on committee for a whole year). Disputes were partly in quick succession, partly overlapping. Although we tried to recruit at least 4 other committee members to help us, no one was willing to help.

    Power grabbers realised the committee were weak in numbers, & caused further trouble, which detered more committee member recruits; then they mounted their coup.

    Future Outlook at Mid March 2009

    GEA is on course "Down the drain" as a member just wrote. Though it's a relief for GEA committee members to be released from duty at end of electoral year, it's bad for GEA, as nothing now stopping the rump of remaining so called "Reformers"

    GEA had structural problems even before the revolting "reformers":

    • GEA had been deliberately aged faster than nature provides for (eg Sunny forcibly removing "Young Thinking" from club description on programme years back, etc), + ever less English speakers, + overall heavy shrinkage.
    • Too many egotistic disputants, who don't respect dictum: "Think not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"
    • Stammtisch @ Arnulf Str hollow, ready to die, (but with free drinks Friday 13th, may stagger on a little longer). 2 young German girls recently summed it up: they would not again go to the Arnulf Str "Rentner Verein".

    Some events will continue, some wither:

    • GEA Walks & some other events will continue. eg I didn't organise ski trips this winter, just walks, too much work for too troublesome a club. Others also organising less.

    Genuine reform could have been good for GEA.

    But power grabbers just used reform as disguise.
    Consider the fake "reformers" free to now run the GEA, till they or GEA dies:
    • Harald & Sunny + Ute for now. The other 3 are make weights, one in particular. Ute too will get the chop if/ when she crosses Sunny. All hail Queen Sunny & King Harald ;-)
    • Sunny has a long history of trying to grab control. Sunny & Harald's censored yahoo mail list (original hijacked from berklix list approx 10 years back), & web promotes Ute's printed programme, & vice versa.
    • Those approved by Queen Sunny will be allowed to list events (No committee any more to supervise editors. Years back Sunny forced an organiser to strip all reference to Berklix before she would allow events to be listed. )
    • Sunny's censors includes Sue. Sue collected donations & profits from bonfire night, then refused to render accounts or money to committee treasurer. Sue sponsors Ute's programme, with some of that money.
    • Harald & Ute's programme claims Pat as a proof reader, but several times Pat too was cut out of the the loop in 2008. Their programme thanks some committee members by name for supposed co-operation, who do not know what they are being thanked for, or appreciate their names being mis-used to lend credibility to programme. The programme gets padded with events from Michael's DMF+GEIST, The same MK who tried to kill off GEA, formally excluding GEA from "his" Arnulf Str. cellar.
    • Harald late in 2008 told committee meeting he didn't engage in politics. Shortly after he broke rule 12 of the GEA constitution. faking a call for an EGM to remove all committees, & manipulating their censored media to mould opinion to support their power grab.

    Democracy is sometimes "The least worst system".

    • Some committees & members some years weren't good, but doesn't mean all bad; Probably only some CMs know what work some good committees & members did, & how they stepped in when needed, & recruited others to work & organise events etc.
    • The weight of running the disintegrating GEA now falls on just 3 of 6 power grabbers, One of the lesser 3 , of his 3 wrote: "play no role" & "The reform has been a great success." How irresponsible & deluded !

    No committee, No democracy, So:

    • Who decides if/ when Arnulf 10 Stammtisch gets deleted from GEA programme, as a liability damaging name of GEA & thus recruitment to other events ?
    • Who recruits next programme editor when Ute tires or is `let go' ? (GEA had about 4 editors in 2008, some resigned just ahead of being dismissed.
    • Sue's money for printed programmes is not infinite. Low interest in regularly delivering printed programmes to a near empty Arnulf Str.
    • Who is in reserve, now there's no committee, if one of the the remaining 3 revolters/ power grabbers falls ill or has some other distracting personal commitment ?

    Your GEA Future

    Is Yours Personaly To Decide ! Do not rely on others. There is no `Them' to rely on any more, just You, Personally !
    • No Committee
      Burnt out from deliberate trouble makers preceeding & including the Revolters, & committee's term of office now expired.
    • No Revolting Reformers of use, Of the gang of 6 revolters :
      • 3 have already irresponsibly abandoned ship,
      • The 3 remaining rogues are just re-associating the GEA with German speaking DMF+GEIST old fogie's club ( one of the issues that caused problems just a few months back )
      • GEA was once a club for lively young thinking people. The remaining Revolters + DMF's Stammtisch Fuhrer with his compulsory German, (even for those who can't speak German), just deter newcomers, especially younger lively newcomers.
    • Most of those who attended the fake EGM, & carelessly voted to break the constitution, & dispose of future committees & democracy & damage the GEA, will doubtless make no effort to rescue what they helped damage.
    • Others have long abandoned the GEA, more likely will, GEA is on course to further degrade into an old fogies' club of rogues, reprobates, censors, anti democrats & those who can't even speak English. - Unless You do something to fix it.
  • GEA Member's Questions

    • Question From Helga to Committee Secretary Birgit:
      why can't the money left over be spent by reserving a table at the Oktoberfest this year at the Schottenhamel or Augustiner tent for example? It's always so difficult if not impossible to get a seat. The tickets are sure to be sold and everybody would be happy. Sue Bollans used to do this years ago and it was great.
    • Answered both by Birgit & Committee Chair Julian, Julian's below:
      We can't do that for these reasons:
      • The GEA is in crisis, & needs a boost now, not in 6 months time.
      • The nearly dead Arnulf Str Friday Stammtisch needs a boost Now, more than GEA needs some bonus event in 6 months.
      • We can spread the money thinner & return a bit to to more GEA members at Stammtisch than at higher priced lower number of GEA members at Ofest.
      • It's too late now, our decision is made.
      • We didnt think of it, committee has been under great duress for some months trying to manage the GEA. We publicly appealed for help, & we privately asked individuals to joining the committee. No one helped.
      • It would have been a job appropriate to next year's committee to decide & supervise, to book the seats, administer tickets etc for 6 months hence. (New committee should normally have been elected tonight, a year from last March 2008 election).
      • There is NO committee appointed treasurer to work on.
      • There is NO committee to follow us, supervise accounts & work on.
      • Blame Harald, Sunny, Ute & cronies for breaking Constitution rule 12, seizing control, & preventing committee member recruitment etc.
      • Blame Harald & cronies for declaring they wanted GEA to have no money, it's in their power grabbers manifesto
      • Committee were elected to run the club & manage assets, now Harald, Sunny, Ute etc have made that impossible, committee is returning GEA funds to the membership.
  • Extra Announcement to Skiers & Walkers

    After Birgit announced to gea-announce@mailman.berklix Thursday, on Friday, I remembered some skiers @ wakers would not be on that list, so announced to them too:
    To: gea-walk@mailman.berklix, gea-ski@mailman.berklix
    cc: gea-committee@mailman.berklix
    Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 12:40:54 +0100
    Subject: Free Beer for GEA Members inc. Walkers & Skiers at Arnulf Str 10
    From: "Julian H. Stacey" <>

    Hi GEA Walkers & Skiers on gea-walk@mailman.berklix & gea-ski@mailman.berklix,
    cc gea-committee@mailman.berklix

    A free beer tonight at Arnulf Str 10, Fri 13th, from 8:15 for GEA members ! Why ? See Birgit's announcement at top of:
    Do not send comment to lists
    gea-walk@mailman.berklix Or gea-ski@mailman.berklix
    but either go to the wake & drink Free with them :-)
    Or send parting good byes' to the last ever GEA committee to
    Or respond if you want to list
    (which relays instantly, uncensored, to all 300+ on it).

    Free Beer only for those Recognised as GEA members,

    (includes walkers & skiers). The outgoing & last committee will be there to administer this, except I unfortunately will Not be there to help recognise faces & authorise you to a free drink, so you need to know another regular organiser who will be there. Sorry, but I'm also a beer garden organiser, so I will be buying my own beer at 19:30 at Unions Braue, table name Hillard, Einsteinstr. 42. U-Bahn Max Weber Platz, come by after if you want.

    For the (final last ever expiring) GEA Committee, Julian S. Chair.

  • Ute's Misleading

    Cc: gea-committee@mailman.berklix. org
    Subject: Re: (GEA) committee bye bye

    Hi Ute,
    cc gea-committee@mailman.berklix. org
    Ref your Fri, 13 Mar 2009 13:04 posting re. free drinks to gea@yahoo...
    Birgit informed you Fri, 13 Mar 2009 17:00 you had misled the GEA membership (points not repeated here).

    Additionaly, you also misled GEA members:

    • "newly created berklix list" is not really a new list with new people, just a slightly changed name & configuration for the original Long existing list, with same membership for now.
    • "and not to the original yahoo list"
      The yahoo list is _NOT_ the original GEA list. &yahoo grew from a base I first co-operated to transfer people to, supplemented by a lot more people Sunny & another then pirated from my list, all years ago. My @mailman.berklix list is the Original first ever GEA mail list. (Neither list operates under their first operational @domain names but that's of no consequence).
    • "where the money comes from"
      Money did Not come from @yahoo list, Nor from list. Money was GEA funds. Some GEA members are on one mail list, some on the other, some on both, & some on neither.
    You misled the GEA membership.

Other Past News

Your Input

The gea-announce@mailman.berklix list was recently (Feb/March 2009) split in 2, with identical membership on each list at the time of the list split:
  • gea-announce@mailman.berklix .org : Only the committee etc can write to this. Comment or follow up should be sent to list gea-members@
  • gea-members@mailman.berklix .org : GEA members are welcome to exchange thoughts on GEA issues & events to other members of the list. This list follows the Berklix tradition of Not being censored, & is instant relay (unlike the Yahoo censored list).
    Interesting contributions may be copied to this or adjacent pages.
  • Normal people are reccomended to join both lists, gea-announce@ & gea-members@.
  • Some might want to join gea-announce@ to their work address, & gea-members@ to their home address.
  • A few people with no home computer, might want just gea-announce@ at work.
  • Whatever you want, join & leave free.

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