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8th Nov. 2008 GEA Bonfire Night Organisation Disrupted

This page: gea/ bonfire/ year/ 2008/

PICTURES From The Event

Sue Turner dropped her organisation of event on 21st September 2008, & threatened to throw away all GEA equipment she held.

Committee took on planning & tried to secure equipment. Sue refused to hand back GEA equipment, & snatched back event organisation.

Committee hold Sue to her "we need NO help": So, no funding, electric lighting, gluehwein etc (*). Attendance or non attendance of individual committee members at Mariabrunn, a matter of personal choice.

( * Fluorescent lighting in 2006 & before by a light + all adapters, connectors, extenders & battery, property of Julian + some extra gear). Sue T. likely had Gluehwein etc from 2007 Bonfire she cancelled. )
Caution: Things asserted by Sue T are sometimes wide of reality, not necessarily all corrected.
From: "Susan T"
To: "Julian S" , moderator@
Cc: gea-committee@
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 21:33:29 +0200

If anyone wants to do a "Bonfire Night" somewhere this year, there is plenty of equipment (both club-owned and my own) I have used for that in the past which could collect be from me (Pelkovenstra_e 80992 M|nchen, by arrangement) Otherwise that, and all other equipment in storage here I can throw away, or take back again for my own use.

Nobody from the committee will be welcome at the Mariabrunn meal on the 8th of November.

Now I shall go away and leave you alone - become a "normal, quiet club member" as you expect.

Sunny, Pat, Harald and Lawrence, as a club member I am willing to continue as moderator on our Yahoo list.

Sue became neither "quiet" nor "normal", & remained one of the gea@yahoo mail list self appointed censors that delay/ obstruct at will.

From: "Susan T"
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 22:43:36 +0200
To: "Julian S"
Cc: Birgit H, Roger H., Richard G. Alexandra R

... why on earth should the stuff be removed from its storage now?

Sue prevented equipment removal by Committee Treasurer Traudl & GEA member Richard:
From: "Susan T"
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2008 19:48:24 +0200
To: Birgit H
Cc: gea-committee@

... I am very grateful to you for the list. But please stop duplicating work now. The Guy Fawkes arrangements are all in hand, we need NO help from the current committee.

Sue grabbed back control.
From: "Susan T"
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2008 15:58:42 +0200
To: "Julian S"
Cc: Richard G, Roger H, gea-committee@

GEA committee have never provided Guy Fawkes. The event in its current form is a joint creation of Mike and Sue Turn.. and Roger H.

Many helpers including some past & current committee members, & a host of other GEA helpers, have helped to make the event what it is. Sue's involvement years past used to benefit GEA, but threats to event & equipment deter more equipment provision & more stable people who know what's to organise.

Money Lost

Susan T. refused to render a financial account after the event to the GEA Treasurer. Susan T used income to finance revolters who killed GEA democracy, abolishing GEA elected committees & Treasurer.

Bonfire Organiser

Failed to ask any committee member what problems were, before he wrote:
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 13:02:14 +0100
To: <gea@mailman.berklix....>
Subject: RE: Bonfire Night Sat
From: <rogerh.......@

Liebe Freunde der GEA,
als Mit-Organisator des GEA Bonfire Night habe ich Julian's Email ueberhaupt nicht verstanden - vielleicht geht es Euch aehnlich...
Sei es drum, Ihr koennt sicher sein, dass das GEA Event "Bonfire Night" am Samstag statt findet und dass wir uns auf Euch freuen.
Einzelheiten sind auf der GEA Website zu finden: ...
Auf zahlreiche Unterstützung beim Holzsammeln würde ich mich besonders freuen - ruft mich ...

He later joined German pensioners to promote a fraudulent EGM called in contravention of GEA constitution Rule 12, (Which constitution he first wrote!)


GEA since continued its slide to German Elderly Association, Stammtisch degenerated from weekly to monthly etc.

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