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Ski Trip  Booking Form by Julian Stacey

Warning: DO Not Currently Use The Form!
Contact organiser direct instead!

Form Below Has Been Deliberately De-Activated, To NOT Send Organiser Email

De-activation will continue until the form is needed for the next big ski trip.

Trip Info for this form:

Why You Must Use Booking Form
(& Can Not Book By Phone Or Over A Beer In A Pub or Coffee in my flat)

  • Organiser is busy on other things, each time 10 to 40 people randomly phone & interrupt him, & he frequently forgets to ask all he'll need to know later. : It's unfair to burden him with the responsibility of phoning you back later, chasing you for answers the questions on this form will prompt you to answer.
  • If there's eg 15 to organise in a ski group, the organiser's time is 15 times as scarce & valuable as yours. (The biggest trip was once 40: a nightmare to organise - time unpaid!)
  • The club is extremely short of downhill organisers competent & willing to organise weekend trips, but we're not short of skiers.
  • It'd be daft to waste the time of one of the very few remaining downhill ski weekend organisers, with administrative trivia I have invested time to automate.
  • Just fellow organisers of downhill ski trips may sometimes be given the small bonus of choosing whether or not to book by phone or web form, but best if they use the form too.
  • Volunteer to organise 1 & 2 day trips are Very welcome to contact Julian.

Before Filling Form

  • Please Read Information Sheet
  • Beware Rogues: The vast majority of people who come with us have lots of fun, but one gets rogues too, so help play "Spot The Looney ! smiley face icon Here's how: ...
    • Warning: You Owe Us Obligation To Fit In & Adapt To Us If You Join Us
      • You Must fit in & adapt to group & particularly to organiser's requirements, else do Not come.
      • We Ski Group & Organisers , & Author) Charge No Money... So ...
      • Be flexible: Not demanding: You are not a paying customer; You have No customer rights or entitlements. This is NOT some commercial package holiday.
      • Do what's convenient for Organiser: Who is not paid to work for your preferences, & has lots of Other skiers to organise for too, Organisers is there primarily to ski & have fun, Not to work unpaid.
      • Do what's convenient for Drivers: they are not taxi drivers paid to run around for passenger convenience; if you want something special, pay extra petrol, & try persuasion with free coffee/ cake/ beer etc.
      • Avoid provoking organiser & Drivers who are there to Ski & have fun, not paid to provide for you.
      • If you won't adapt to fit in: Do Not Come !
        • Deliberate trouble makers (yes there are egotists who occasionally deliberately annoy Organisers &/or drivers) are Not tolerated.
        • Ruining the ski organiser's weekend is not tolerated - It cancels next year's trip, which hurts everyone.
        • Ruining the ski group's happy mood is not tolerated.
        • Deliberate trouble makers are fined part of or all their deposit &/or dumped &/or ostracised by group members, & other organisers etc warned that they are trouble not worth taking.
        • If you reckon your personal individual understanding/ experience, or desires are any where near as important, balanced, or informed as the Organisers some of us who have 20+ years experience organising trips, realise you are almost certainly Wrong, & won't fit in, so do Not Come.
          Pay a commercial travel company instead.
      • Do NOT let your organiser be abused - Interrupt a trouble maker.
      • Allowing trouble makers to occasionally make the weekend a hell for Organisers, without interrupting them, is lousey thanks to the organiser, discourages new Organisers & more trips. (We've had trips not run next year, because a rogue the year before destroyed the organiser's interest to work unpaid next year.
      • We've too few Organisers & trips, the remaining very few Organisers really need Your personal active intervention to prevent occasional rogues spoiling current & future trips !
  • Keep Thinking & Volunteer smiley face icon Please help Organiser, Drivers, & rest of group where possible. Do Not switch brain off, think & plan ahead ! What might go wrong ? How can you help ?
  • Limitations

    • No Phone Booking ! At least not for Julian's trips. (The form ensure you answer questions you & organisers would forget otherwise, )
    • No families, kids, animals, disabled etc. (Sorry, but we do not need More complication & unpaid work.)
    • No smokers: Certainly none on Julian's trips, (& in fact none of our organisers smoke, & I know of none who will tolerate it at table when they organise, & most or maybe all our drivers won't tolerate it in their cars.)
    • Book & pay deposits as individuals or couples.
    • Couples: Your partner can fill in the form for you, & pay the deposit for you, no need to fill the form twice, once per person. If you do not want to rely on your partner getting all your info right, you can send your own form for both of you, too.
    • No group bookings: (Sub groups tend to be too independent, & not fit in).
    • Data privacy & security not guaranteed
      • public The green icon marks data probably seen by all participants;
      • private The red icon marks data probably mostly for organiser only.
      • The data on this form is not encrypted, (This form collects data using plain http not https. The data is mailed on to organiser un-encrypted).

    Browser Settings - Not Much Needed !

    • Your Browser Does Not Need:
      • Graphic Images.
      • Colour (though it helps)
      • Cookies ( No data is stored on your computer ).
      • Java or JavaScript No program run on your computer).
      • Frames
      • Pop Ups
      • Any particular browser, (I mostly test on Firefox, but use any).
      • Any particular operating system. (I mostly test on FreeBSD, but use any).
      • Any particular screen size
      • Any particular screen resolutions
      • Any particular fonts,
      • Any particular colour palette/ background (though I assume you have not assigned red, green, light grey or black as background colour..
      • https (secure http). (Sometime company proxy server's don't pass it for their employee's client browsers out to the Internet, so this form doesn't require it, (but no https makes optional bank info insecure, so best do not give organiser bank info on this form).
      • No password to remember for your data, - it's not stored for you to edit on net servers.
    • Your browser needs to support:
      • Forms (nearly all do).
      • Tables (nearly all do).
    • You cannot click to copy last year's older data back into the form:
      • It avoids data security issues for us.
      • It avoids me spending time unpaid implementing a database.
      • Type it in again this year, & check your info is still correct
      • Or mouse copy/ cut & paste from your own file copy from last year, but check it is still current).

    Booking Form:


    Seriously, Do NOT Skip This Question !!
    You Must Answer This, else your booking will be Dumped Unseen automatically !
    Reason Why: (This form is attacked by robots that excrete junk; so this form dumps booking, Unless you tell form you are human.)

    Date, Destination & Organiser.

    Trips beginning with ++
    Book with this form. ( Just Julian's trips so far).

    Trips beginning with __
    Do Not [yet] book with this form. Book direct with organiser. (Other organisers are welcome to contact Julian to arrange this form to collect bookings for their trips too.)

    This year's Ski timetable (detail on various trips).

    Your Contact Information.

    Please fill all boxes possible: Just before & during a trip, if problems arise, organiser needs maximal chance to contact participants. Organiser may phone if too late for email. (No umlauts!)
    Name, Email, Phone, Fax. You. Partner If Going  
    First/Individual/Given/Christian Name
      Example: " Julian".
    Surname/Name of whole family
      Example: "Stacey".
    Email @ Home.
    (Used just for this one trip. If you want to also join our mail list, see below.)
    Email @ Work. private
    Phone @ Home
      Example: +49 241 12345678 .
    Phone @ Work
      Example: +49 241 12345678 .
    Personal Mobile Phone
      Example: +49 160 12345678
    If not leaving it in Munich, or turned off. For emergency only, or after personal invitation. organiser & others & you do Not want to pay for calls relayed to & or from Germany!
    Personal Mobile Phone Roaming
      Click if receive enabled in Austria.
    Company Mobile Phone
      (If different, for before/ after trip).
    Fax @ Home
      Example: +49 241 12345678
      For organiser in case all else fails.
    Fax @ Work private

    The Journey.


    Will You (& Your Partner if going) Be A Driver Or Passenger ?

    Click just one button in left column.
    If you have a partner also going:
    Also click just one different button in right column.
    Only designate one Driver per vehicle, even if more than one person will actually drive at different times. The one Official Driver per vehicle is also a sub organiser, the designated information / liason channel between main trip organiser, all that vehicle's passengers, & other official drivers. (Formality is to ensure eg passengers if swapped between cars do Not get left behind!)
    Driver Or Passenger You
    Click Just One
    Partner If Going
    Click In A Different Row
    Driver with own fully mountain-winterised vehicle; who wants to drive. public
    Driver with vehicle at departure point, easy to be either driver or passenger public
    Driver with vehicle at departure point, prefers to be a passenger public
    Passenger who could bring a vehicle fit for mountains if asked in advance. public
    Includes people who drive to departure point with cars not fit for mountains, & non car owners who may be willing to drive if asked).

    Car Details (Only from Main Vehicle Driver),
    Passengers Who Do Not Bring A Car Skip This.

    People who prefer to be a passenger, but have a car if necessary: Please do Not skip this, (or following "Skip This" sections), The organiser may need to decide which vehicle to select & give advance warning to, if we do not have enough vehicles.

    Vehicle (Car) Details
    Passengers Skip This.

    Please fill all boxes possible: (Useful when people ask organiser in cafe, who is in which car & what it looks like, so they can put a message under wind-screen wiper, or skis under car.)
    Answer Here Example  
    Colour Metallic Silver Grey public
    Manufacturer BMW, VW, Ford, Subaru public
    Type Saloon, Hatch- back, Estate. public
    Model Model T / Golf / 3 Series / E Type public
    Car Registration M-AB1234 (No umlauts!) public

    Seats In Car
    Passengers Skip This.

    Total Seats In Vehicle, Including Driver's Seat
    Excluding seats that can't be use because of skis inside vehicle & luggage on seats. Excluding neck bending Porsches back seats.
    Click Just One  
    1 Seat, Lone Driver,
    cannot take passengers both ways (eg perhaps because of insurance, unreliable engine, or staying on, going to Italy after etc).
    2 Seats, eg Porsches,
    or couple travelling alone, staying in Austria after, or skis diagonal inside small saloon.
    3 Seats, eg Small Saloon Car public
    4 Seats, Average Saloon Car public
    5 Seats, Large Estate Car = Kombi- Wagen,
    with power & room for 5 passengers + luggage (but do not worry, we aim for just 4, 5 is just for contingencies.
    6 Seats, Van public
    7 Seats, Van public
    8 Seats, Van public

    Ski Rack Capacity
    Passengers Skip This.

    Rack Capacity, Total Space Before Including Driver's Own Skis Click Just One  
    No rack & no room in car for skis - So why are you driving ? public
    No rack but room in car. - Maybe split back seats. public
    2 pairs of normal skis
    (Perhaps crappy magnetic holder, crappy surf pole rubber mountings)
    3 pairs of normal skis
    (eg half rack), horizontal mounting, could also take a snow board.
    3 pairs of normal skis (eg half rack), vertical mounting, will not take a snow board (Except with rope) )
    4 pairs skis
    laid flat (eg could also take a board).
    4 pairs of skis,
    individual vertical mounting, no snow board (Except with rope).
    6 pairs of skis
    laid flat (Each half rack can also take 1 [or 2 if 2nd upside down, & rack high] board[s] instead of skis) eg Nigel's rack).
    6 pairs of skis,
    individually mounted, rack will not take a snow board (Except with rope) (eg Julian's `Sherpa' rack).

    Tyre Type
    Passengers Skip This.


    Front/ Rear/ 4 Wheel Drive
    Passengers Skip This.


    Snow Chains
    Passengers Skip This.

    Number Of Chains: Most have 2 chains. Some 4 wheel drive (Allrad) vehicles may have 4 chains). public

    Any Passengers Specially Wanted, Or To Avoid ?
    Passengers Skip This.

    Any particular passenger(s) wanted ? *** private
    Any particular passenger(s) not wanted ? *** private
    *** = Leave blank preferably.


    Passenger (& deputy/ co-drivers) Details.
    (Main Drivers Skip This.)

    Any Driver Specially Wanted, Or To Avoid ?
    (Drivers Skip This)

    Most leave next 2 boxes blank.
    Any driver particularly wanted ? private
    Any driver particularly to avoid ? private


    Skis & Skiing

    Ski Equipment: Transportation &/or Hire

    Ski Transportation

    How many pairs of skis etc to transport from Munich ?
    Type of Skis You Partner
    Down Hill or Tour (pair) (only if not Too wide). public
    Langlauf (pair) (cross country) public
    Snow boards public
    Other, Bulky Awkward Equipment. (that might fit better in eg a van than a car).
    Extremely wide carvers that do not fit some racks (eg Julian's Sherpa diagonal mount), you could perhaps either list as a snow boards, or enter here along with Ski Bike, split & sprung board, hang glider, para foil, etc & put explanation in comment box at end of form.
    Other bulky sports equipment, eg "Big Feet" mini skis, or split pivoted board, that might travel inside a normal car.
    Although these things may fit in some cars, not all: Please warn. Explain in comment box at end of form. Do not use either this box or comment box to tell us you'r taking walking or moon boots for evenings, or ski sticks, (they're all considered normal).
    If you will be a non skier, taking & hiring no equipment,
    Use this box to warn we need to discuss if you may have problematic variant requirements compared to all day skiers, re. car access etc. (Skiers leave cars locked the whole day).

    Ski Hire

    Do you want to [try to] delay your car & fellow travellers from skiing while you hire equipment ?
    Ski Lift passes are expensive, & ski hours limited, so delaying fellow passengers is to be avoided, but can perhaps be part compensated by buying all those delayed a drink ! Better to purchase or hire skis in Munich, & bring them to departure point, this reduces delay & you can choose skis & have binding set at leisure.
    Click if Yes
    Click if Yes
    For Mayrhofen
    There's perhaps just 1 ski hire shop in Finkenberg, (which may well be closed for lunch when we arrive) (& others down in Mayrhofen).
    For Kitzbuhel
    Day trip, we have no time to wait, & no local shop at which to hire skis. You must have your own skis etc.

    No Equipment Owned & No Equipment To Be Hired ?

    If you are not a driver, & do not do not mark any equipment above in this box:
    Explain in comment box at end of form: What you plan to do all day, (Because drivers will be up mountain, & will not give out their car keys so you can eg just do a short bit of Langlauf or ice skating, finish before end of downhill ski day, & access their cars early.

    Skiing Competence

    The Mayrhofen trip also welcomes beginners.
    The Kitzbuhel day trip takes no beginners, (& usually no intermediates, usually only Experienced, totally self reliant skiers).
    NOT how fast (or slow) you are (too many fools ski out of control, some without admitting it), Not how pretty & parallel your tracks are on gentle slopes. But: Assess yourself: Are you an asset, neutral or a liability ? How much should we worry about you, How much can we rely on you to help if one of us has a problem ?
    Click Just One
    Click One or None
    Raw Beginner
    On trips marked "Beginners Welcome", most or all of us are happy to give advice &/or help , if you ask us.
    Low Intermediate: Skied a few times, maybe last year.
    You want to be treated as pretty much incompetent, & warned away from anything difficult. You want us to worry about you, more than we would about others who might be late back alone.
    Been skiing for some years, can look after yourself, but do not expect much more. Regular decent skiers & organisers who've been skiing a decade or more should not be over modestly clicking this box, instead please move down & click "Experienced" instead.
    Really Experienced
    Self reliant. Can speak sufficient English & German. Can supervise others to hire skis, Know to collect map from lift office, & ensure other do, Quite capable of using map unassisted all day if separated from friends, without problem. Can cope with all slopes, ice, off piste if you must, stoney tracks. Competent to help beginners. Competent to help accident victims. Can walk up mountains with skis & sticks on shoulder (eg if misrouted, lift closed or helping accident victim). Can ski down on one ski (if one broken). Can ski down with a spare pair of skis & sticks, if helping exhausted beginner or accident victim. Can cope in blizzards & white outs, lost, no map, ? Do you take a small compass ? Competent to arrange vehicle pick up of misrouted (wrong valley base station) passengers or drivers in a crisis. Competent to judge the difference between a late skier, & a potential accident / lost skier situation that may need reporting to authorities.

    Accommodation (for Weekends @ Mayrhofen, not day trips to Kitzbuhel)

    What Sort Of Room ? - You do not normally get a choice ! !

    Do Not waste time in Munich telling organiser you'd like a single room (there are never enough, you'll have to share!) ... or want with/without shower/ toilet, or cheap, or with a balcony etc. The organiser is usually Not interested, too busy finding any form of accommodation, & you'll be lucky to get what you're given (& then you're free to swap later if All involved agree).

    What You Book Is How You Stay:

    • Singles:
      If you book as single, you remain organised as a single for the trip, even if you might like to redefine your status later as half of a couple (** ). Seperate vehicles, seperate bedrooms sharing with others of same sex.
    • Couples:
      Couples are assumed to want to share one room, but have no pre-emptive right to, if there's a shortage of rooms & too many odd single people to accommodate, packing in to double & triple rooms etc. If you book as a couple (eg for girlfriend/ boyfriend/ spouse), you remain organised as a couple for the trip, even if you might like to redefine your status later as 2 singles. (** ). If you reduce to becoming 1 single, ie one of you drops out too late, the deposit of person not on trip may be forfeit, see Event Information Sheet.
    • Exceptions:
      (** ) Exceptions being if you warn organiser sufficiently before departure to be able to re-organise & reprint planning sheet, or if you arrange private swaps later without burdening organiser & other travellers by disturbing allocation of room types.
    • Partners With Different Number Of Nights
      If you & your partner want to stay different numbers of nights, it is too complex. Book separately as 2 singles, & share with other singles of same sex, or book No accommodation with us, find your own accommodation, do not ask for rooms in same buildings in competition with our booked people, go elsewhere, or wait till we all have rooms.
    • If Your Partner Is Only A Maybe
      whereas you'r a definite, realise if you book as 2 unrelated singles, that's what you stay. You may well be allocated different cars, & may not be allocated a shared room, building, or [part of] village. You are not a couple if you book as 2 singles, (unless there's another 2 singles you happen to come to some private re-arrangement with, without disrupting organisation & drivers etc.

    Your Gender

    Gender Click One Notes
    Male, Single You will probably have to share with others public
    Female, Single You will probably have to share with others public
    Couple   public
    Other (What ?!) Use comment box at base of form.) public

    Nights Accommodation

    Night(s) Click Any Notes
    Friday Sometimes co-ordinated by Nigel or Julian public  
    Saturday Most stay just Saturday Night (Do click this if you need accommodation, organiser can not just assume it for you, as eg occasionally we get skiers doing just 1 of the 2 days, or who have own accommodation etc) public
    Sunday Not offered for Mayrhofen (May be offered on other trips later organised through this form). public
    None for any night. You will find & book your own (without needing to surprise drivers by needing their help). public

    Probability You Will Go

    If you will take a partner, mark the lowest percentage of the 2 of you ! Its too much trouble for the organiser, (& perhaps for you too) if your partner's too different / indecisive, & not sure if coming. If your partner's a pain (at least to the organiser!), Tell him/her to book his/her own trip, accept his/her own responsibility for paying & avoiding having ski deposit impounded (eg for no-shows).
    Probability You Will Go Click Just One Explanation
    20% You Might Go.
    You give organiser your details now in the hope you can go. The organiser won't count you in yet though.
    50% You Want To Go,
    You have read the Event information sheet, but you have a question not covered on the form or Event Information Sheet that you need answered before you can firmly commit. You will type the question in the comment box below for an email reply, or will phone the organiser.
    70% You Plan To Go
    You are prepared to have your friends & organiser ask you why, if you fail to come.
    80% You Firmly Intend To Go
    but might still be awaiting the expected final confirmation on something, eg that you do not have to work overtime this weekend.
    100% You Are Certain To Go
    you have already got your car back after passing the TUV, you have already confirmed you do not need to work overtime this weekend etc.

    Extra Info / Questions

    Leave blank if you can
    • If you have a question first see if the answer is in Event Information Sheet
    • Do NOT tell organiser what sort of hotel room you'd like !
    • State if you have unusually wide carver skis that do not fit in racks designed for individual standard/ old fashioned downhill racing ski pairs.
    • Avoid umlauts etc: Use AE OE UE SS instead of Ä, Ö, Ü . Avoid punctuation marks & accents eg: !@#$%^&*()_-+={[}]:;"'|\<,>.?/ where possible, (The form mangles them, if you must use them, put a space character before & after each.) A Beer Reward
      For whoever tells me what & how to fix in this HTML + Apache 1.3 httpd.conf + C program, to stop the non Ascii breakage!

    Deposit Repayment Arrangements - Optionally Skip This.

    Procedure Subject To Change

    If you Skip This You renounce your chance to be repaid by bank transfer.

    Skip This Unless You Risk Insecure Banking

    • This form is sent by unencrypted plain http:// not by secure https://.
    • Data is returned to servers (& mailed to ski organisers) unencrypted.
    • It is Not Secure, could be subject to `man in the middle attack'.
    • Security may be added later, (but I organise skiing unpaid, & have limited unpaid time).

    Subject To Availability

    • Only if you can not make the next winterised Beer garden for cash repayment,
    • Only if organiser of your trip has internet banking & can mouse copy etc. ( organisers will not waste time manually copying data from this computer form, filling paper forms and paying their banks the exorbitant fee of 1 Euro per paper transaction).
    • Only if you have a bank account, that allows transfer without any [possibly international] bank charges, to the sender (= ski organiser).
    • Only if you give your exact data, no false spaces, no punctuation, & (No umlauts!) (as they fail in this form & on mouse copy etc).

    Your Bank Detail - Optional & Insecure !

    Insecure - Best NOT give banking info !
    (It's only here because some people who Know the RISK they run still want it. - I advise you Not to fill this block in !
    English German Your Information (No umlauts!) Example  
    Your Account Name Empfänger John D. Mueller public
    Your Account Number Konto- Nr. des Empfängers 1234567 public
    Sort Code BLZ= Bank- Leit- Zahl 10010010 public
    Bank's Name Bank- Name Muenchner Aertzte Bank public

    Why The Delay Repaying the Deposit

    Deposit are not repaid until later, typically the Friday after the trip has ended (ie at the next winterised Beer garden. to keep a minority of ingrates disciplined ! We get many nice skiers, but a few who regularly would spoil it for others, & especially for the unpaid hard working organiser, who's not paid to tolerate troublemakers, (who often used to start trouble immediately after deposit repayment).

    Check the essential top "Are You Human ?"

    Action Buttons Explanations
    Sends Form To organiser,

    PHONE after, to arrange when you will travel to organiser & hand over cash deposit (typically 8 days before at winterised indoor Beer Gardeners's venue).
    (if Event Information Sheet says it's required, eg for Mayrhofen.
    Erase & Revert Form To Initial Blank Defaults.
    No booking is sent to organiser.

    If Form Fails To Send.

    • Likely it's a user mistake, it usually is.
    • But it could possibly be author's error , or server configuration error.
    • If you suspect there might have recently been a server upgrade & no installed binary /cgi-bin/ski_form , then there are 3 servers you could try ( www1, www2 ) , all with the same form, but perhaps different binaries.
    • If you find a disparity between servers, please report it
    • I have yet to consider if filling in a lengthy form via a browser behind a Dynamic DSL that does timeout & semi random IP allocation at redial time, might need browser `Dialogue Keep Alives in preferences ? If in trouble or doubt try setting browser Keep_Alive = ON.

    After Sending Form

    • Phone organiser, Arrange to hand over deposit cash before deadline.
    • Print, Read, & conform with Event Information Sheet (make sure others do not drink your deposit ! smiley face icon) (Not all trips have a deposit, see Event Information Sheet).
    • Keep info. sheet in pocket during trip, for ready reference (& to make notes if you want).
    • If you later decide to cancel or not confirm a tentative booking, Please send a short mail or give a quick phone call to organiser.

    Event Information Sheet

    Print, read, take with you & conform with Event Information Sheet. Learn how others may lose their deposit that you may help drink.

    join The ski@ mail list.

    Please Also Join or Leave Mail List (& / or Other Mail Lists ) This & other ski trips also get planned & discussed there. The organiser(s) of individual trips often do not have time to build manual lists of email addresses of participants specific to individual trips, so interim announcements often get sent to the permanent ski@ list. (Though of course after booking deadline has passed, the organiser will hope to send an announcement specifically addressed to all participants.

    Form Improvement Suggestions

    There's loads of ideas, just little to no time to do them.

    Back To Top Of Page

    Copyright Julian H. Stacey, Munich 2001 - 2008 inclusive.

Stolen VotesBerklix.Net Computer AssociatesDomainsApache: Web ServerFreeBSD: Operating System