Bootable Live USB Stick:
FreeBSD, DOS &
Encrypted Data Partitions.
system + sources + 1000 packages pre-installed + encrypted
data partition.
A tiny USB stick for your key ring, partitioned with
FreeBSD with 1,000+
packages, ready to live boot or optionally install, +
encrypted personal data space, + DOS slice for exchanging
- FreeBSD offers a free down-loadable 700M image, to be
written raw to a small stick with no partitions.
- The berklix stick has partitions.
- The berklix stick has 1000 packages built.
- The berklix stick has the berklix patches compiled
- All binaries on the berklix stick are built locally on
berklix machines.
- Only for amd64, not for i386 & other CPUs that
FreeBSD supports.
- Integrated backup of OS, packages, tools &
data on a tiny stick.
- Much cheaper to bundle with new PC hardware, than
MonopolySoft ;-)
- Compatability tests in shops of FreeBSD inc. packages eg X11 etc
without needing to install.
- Live demonstrations (& end shippable product)
of integrated packages on an OS: your own company's &/or
FreeBSD's add on
- Military Rugged: Solid state resilience,
vibration, G force & pressure resistant, ready to run
with packages pre installed. (Packages on a PC
normally need to install from a DVD needing clean air, or a
high speed net, to a hard disk not subject to a sensitive
hard disk (or SSD using more power than a stick
- Recovering PCs with scrambled file systems that
fail to boot.
Secrecy & Counter
- Security applications (standard or your own) can run
from stick. (Some companies & governments
don't want secret data on hard disc even if encrypted (a
laptop is too big & easy to impound). Some don't want
risk of transient files on hard disk. Some ban civil
servants & employees travelling to certain foreign
countries with data on active computer devices, &/or
scrub active devices on return. )
- Your OS, tools & data should be safer on a Micro
SD card (15 x 11 mm), you keep
close, in your ear ring/ cuff links/ tie clip/ watch
strap while foreign officials grab your notebook PC &
remove it from sight.
This mini combi. stick on a key ring can avoid massive
recovery delays, & aborted recoveries, in many
circumstances, eg:
- Business laptop dies or stolen while travelling, & no
spare BSD PC ; Or
- The PCs / laptops / notebooks in your house/ flat/
apartment/ office/ hotel room get stolen; Or
- Lightning surge on overhead power cable fries PCs,
tools & data etc.
- Your PCs, tools & data removed by floods,
fire, earthquake, sink hole, mud slide, tsunami or explosion
(gas, or un-exploded bomb during excavation
- An emergency rush to airport, not via work/home to
collect PC & data, & arrival in another country with
no laptop, tools & data.; Or
- PCs, tools & data at home or work get
impounded/ restrained by some government agency/ court order/
bailiffs/ government inspectors/ police. (Debt, divorce
proceedings, unlimited liability firms, scene of unrelated
crime or investigation etc. You may be innocent but it may
take time to access your PCs & data.
- Return to Home/ Office PCs, tools & data
disrupted (eg by riots or disasters (eg Bhopal/
Chernobyl/ Fukushima etc) or outbreaks of
communicable disease.
Many scenarios could be a time consuming recovery
- Surrounded by alien untrusted unfamiliar mostly Microsoft
PCs, probably insecure, possibly virused, perhaps belonging
to trading partners you'r visiting in a foreign country, with
no tools to access your BSD personal data, (& no way
you'd want to allow access.)
- Finding a less clueless MS user, asking their help on
their PC to
- Download via ftp Not http, 650 M to 2.5 G of
- Check the checksum (with what resident MS tool ? In
what way ?!) Many MS people skip it.
- Write a CCD/DVD/USB image, (with what MS tool ? In
what way ?!)
Keeping it still bootable (often BSD media written by MS
people fails to remain bootable).
- Installing a generic FreeBSD (or using live generic
media without extras packages)
- Configuring ports &/or packages
- Restoring personal ~/.* options &
- Installing other media with your backup data (& was
that data safely encrypted ?
How long would it take - if you didn't give up till you
flew home ? How much business & time lost ?
Get a Berklix stick, ready to run ! Cheap insurance
against PC, OS & data loss!  Back To Index
Licences to manufacturers & wholesale vendors
Retail sales to users we're not geared up for yet,
(but register your address now for a
promotional discount offer when we launch).
Back To Index
Extra Features beyond just a simple FreeBSD image:
- The Berklix FreeBSD live stick was developed before the live stick. The Berklix live stick offers more
functionality than the FreeBSD.Org downloadable image.
It's been tested for years, eg one /boot/kernel on a test
stick is dated: Dec 17 2013 with /etc/motd: "FreeBSD
10.0-RC1 (GENERIC) #0: Tue Dec 17 15:50:21 CET 2013",
(It's rescued & installed for author, & also
carries an encrypted data partition etc,
Public availability has been held up pending work to
automate quantity of image serial numbers (for individual
download rather than purchase pre-installed on USB
stick), & possibly individual encryption key
injection into generic images, this work may not be done
until demand volume indicates investing time is worth
Newer versions available on request, it moves, eg at
12 Feb 2016, one build host machine had partitions for
all of 8.4-RELEASE, 9.3-RELEASE, 10.2-RELEASE,
11.0-CURRENT, though stick was not generated for all.
Allows a PC to choose which OS to boot, the same way
Fdisk specifies on a hard disk. MBR still the
simplest common denominator, most reliable way of
ensuring multi OS data access, avoiding all the weirdness
of MS secondary partitions, & Linux lilo, & the
new FreeBSD
GPT methods etc.
dmesg extract for da0:
14786MB (30283008 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T
Device names in /dev/ : da0 da0s1 da0s2 da0s2a
da0s3 da0s3.bde da0s4
fdisk da0 output
df extract :
Filesystem |
Size |
Used |
Avail |
Capacity |
Mounted on |
/devusb/platinum.bde |
2.5G |
2.3G |
28M |
99% |
/media/platinum.ufs |
/devusb/platinum.dos |
4.3G |
4.3G |
53M |
99% |
/media/platinum.dos |
/devusb/platinum.os |
8.3G |
7.8G |
516M |
94% |
/media/platinum.os |
Back To Index
Master Partition
- To allow import/export of data with MS & Linux
etc associates.
- Partition #1 to increase the chance MS OS &/or
users do not have a crisis ;-)
- Includes a deletable README.TXT offering a reward for
finders, our contact info, & your customer number.
Useful if your tiny USB
stick is on your key ring: Finder will not see your
address for where to try the keys on your door, but
finder can contact us, & we will reply with the
contact info of your local friend you specified, so
finder can contact your friend for a reward, (&
you will tell your friend to pay a reward for you but
Not to divulge your address to finder in case finder
made a copy of our keys).
- Extra Data
- Back To Index
- Can boot & run from USB stick.
- Can also optionally install to hard disk.
- Release: Currently (@ 2013-12-23) 10.0-RC(Release
Candidate)2, that will progress to 10-0-RELEASE etc
- CPU: Currently (@ 2013-12-23) AMD64, not currently
for i386 (ie *86 for 686 based on 586 default) maybe
later, Purchase Enquiries Welcome
if interested.
- Over 1,000 pre built packages pre installed,
including X windows, Firefox etc.
Here's a snapshot from 'pkg info',
(shipped product may vary slightly)
- Includes /usr/src & /usr/doc & /usr/ports/ framework
to build Tens Of Thousands
of ported packages
- All Berklix fixes
& enhancements pre applied to binaries.
- Generic FreeBSD
sources too, so you can revert from Berklix fixes with
src/ make world & /usr/ports/
- Back To Index
F3: A
FreeBSD GBDE encrypted Master Partition with a UFS/FFS
file system
- Should keep your data safe if you lose the
- Several gig for your personal data backup to keep on
your key ring
- Extra Data
- The password: We set a standard password, We detail
how you can easily change that to your own, The order
form allows you to specify your own
- Back To Index
F4: A tiny residual Master Partition,
Format May Vary
- Remnant sectors, Not cylinder aligned at end,
- May be a minute FS, or a small tar of encryption keys
- A set of public & private encryption keys
generated by us for you, the public key we will publish
in a table for you, related to customer number, rather
like a free quasi certification authority. Make sure:
- When you order your stick, give us all other data
you want related as we will not edit frozen record
- Delete your private key before you let anyone
copy your stick !
- Back To Index
- To avoid shipping 4.3 G of unused space in F1, + 2.5 G in F3 +
residual empty space in F2, we
usually pack in some anodine/ vanilla public data, such
as X11 /usr/ports//distfiles
etc or some ports/packages/ & berklix patch set
- Copy them to disk if you want, then delete them to
make space, data should also remain available on internet
later too if you need it.
- If we put up a generic image for download, we will
omit this optional data as it's easily available
elsewhere, & omitting it will reduce our compressed
images to speed your download.
- Back To Index
- Best not to do too many write cycles to sticks, as
this sort of media is more limited than hard disks. Best
if you install OS to disk, &/or applications use ram
or disk cache data.
- We provide scripts to reduce write wear on the USB
stick to mirror your encrypted partition to hard disk,
update it there using eg rdist6, then mirror it back to
usb stick in a single write with large blocking. Much
faster reduces stick write wear.
- Use of the script is optional, you can of course also
access the sticks direct, eg for minor write
- Back To Index
Optional Extras
- New media at cost price,
- purchased by us on Your behalf, no warranty with
us, no liability on us.
- We're Not in business of buying or selling media
for profit, only computer services &
- If you prefer to post us blank media, that is
acceptable, if you've tested it & we've agreed to
the job.
- Conrad is merely a local shop convenient to author
to buy media, author & Berklix have no special
relationship with Conrad.
- If you dont read German, for guide text to similar
media in English, type "USB Stick" to Conrad's English
- We pass media on to you at same price we purchase, we
only charge for customising the data image for the
Download For those people who may
have difficulties receiving media in the post, we offer a
keyed Internet download service. Of interest to eg:
- Business who want to bulk licence our stick, but
who also don't want the hassle of themselves
distributing them to their colleagues & or
- Purchasers in countries with awkward/ slow postal
service delivery, or where collection rather delivery
is needed eg outback of Australia & parts of rural
America etc,
- Those with [expensive] customs/import authorities,
that sometimes don't even declare receipt to recipient,
& wait for recipient to visit them & pay to
- Those on islands & eg polar research stations
rarely visited by ships, who have satellite
We will split the download image into chunks, &
also provide chunk checksums, to avoid worry of aborted
ftp's restarting at the beginning (as eg while FreeBSD
ftp offers reget, some other ftp clients
do not). Neither our servers nor your clients will be
burdened by refetches of whole gigabyte images if your
FTP fails. SFTP: will not be provided to serve the image.
It would waste server & client CPU. HTTP: will
probably not be provided. Servers dont want to be sucked
dry by zombie mirror scripts (eg FreeBSD.ORG host admins
complained of bad experiences with load from CTM images
being mirrored prior to 2016).
Our Media Is Standard From Shops, but
VERY SMALL good for a key ring !
- We also provide
commercial consultancy
from our bases in Munich & Aachen Germany, &
Tunbridge Wells UK & FreeBSD consultants
world wide also offer consultancy.
- Back To Index
We can bundle in extra at cost price (ie price we buy at in
shop) (only if you tell us when ordering the stick), a nano
sized Wireless LAN Stick (protrudes about 5mm from
laptop/notebook). Why might you want that ? It's seriously
Small ! Author has done tests with it & the urtwn driver supports it,
(& FreeBSD doesn't
support every last wireless chip internally built into every
laptop ie perhaps not yours?.
Or skip it, (saves us buying it for you & adding to
price, so we're happy if you Don't want it  )
You can also order one yourself later direct from
shop where we buy, not from us. Technical & shop details.
If you order an image from us & not a stick, we will not
be posting anything, so if you want a WLAN stuck, order it
yourself direct from a shop.
Back To Index
- We do Not provide a free help desk if you get stuck. Our
time costs money.
- If you want free help:
- If you wish, You can bundle in some hours of pre paid
consultancy at discount, which expires automatically after
some time (a sort of insurance).
- Or later purchase full price consultancy only if you need
- For consultancy purchasers, we offer a special phone
number for hot line support, plus email support.
- Our support staff in Europe tend to start & finish
late, as if working in an office aboard some ship in mid
(No that doesn't mean that American place in an American
timezone, quaintly named "Mid Atlantic" (perhaps for a
coastal latitude?), it means longitudinally middle of the
North Atlantic, between London & New York. ;-)
- Picture Global
times now
- Purchase Enquiries Welcome
- Back To Index
Our stick data is aggregate copyright Julian H. Stacey &
Vector Systems Ltd,
2013. Copying the aggregate images for commercial purposes is
forbidden & would be illegal.
Commercial Licensing Enquiries
Welcome (This stick would also be good to
embed your application on to, enquire about that too if
A 2nd slightly different image may be placed for free
download, policy hasn't been decided yet, bandwidth
considerations would apply, it would probably have to be
available from us only via torrent, or via master-ftp to other
mirrors/ distributors to spread load, & also compressed
segments, no raw image.
Some Free Copying Allowed!
Free  |
Purchasers are permitted to make 2 free copies to give to
friends (purchasers can also add multiple additional
sticks to order, for little more than media purchase
After you've bought a stick, or tried a friend's
stick, Feel free to make a couple of image copies to give
to friends of the purchaser (ie you) if you qualify, If
- You are a FreeBSD commiter or
- You have contributed more than 15 fixes to FreeBSD
send-pr (not
just to a mail list or forum that does Not count).
(You can easily see bug reports & fixes
submitted & still outstanding by your email name,
Example:> but that example does not
show patches since accepted & committed, &
patches submitted under other email
- If your name is in the credits of any of the
sources used to build included binaries, (include CSRG,
BSD386, Patch-kit-[36?], src/contrib/ & Google
Summer Of Code projects, Or
- If your name is credited as a contributor to a
package included on the stick, Or
- If you have
contributed sufficient last year to the FreeBSD
Foundation that you have met the level they should
specify on their web, to authorise you to make a free
copy of our stick.
- Authorisations for a free limited bulk run may be
available to certain User Groups etc. Enquire
Why are we generous ?
We use & promote BSD & FreeBSD etc, both for
personal & business interests. We need to earn on
stick image sales &/or related BSD etc consultancy,
but the stick is deliberately Not copy protected: you'r
placed on your honour to either pay us our small fee for
the stick image creation, or to have previously
contributed substantially to FreeBSD that the stick is
based on.
Back To Index
- We're not geared up for individual sales yet.
- Mail us your email address to
qualify free for a 30% promotional discount when we launch).
(Discount applies to the stick image labour fee, not cost price
media & postage.)
Purchase Enquiries Welcome
- If we decide not to distribute ourselves, & instead to
license another company to distribute for us, we'll give them
your email address, so you can be supplied ASAP.
(Our computer consultancy company (Vector Systems Ltd) is not
currently geared up for bulk retail. We are used to
development projects with only occasional billing on
substantial amounts, & have not arranged bulk retail
issues: (sales, post & packaging staffing, order forms,
databases, international foreign currency small payment
acceptance mechanisms (inc. safeguarding against high minimum
bank fees on transfer charges of small payments of foreign
currency) international & local sales taxes, customs
duties & package declaration forms issues
Back To Index
Our prices are normaly in Euros (EUR) (unless where stated in
British Pounds Sterling (GBP)), we do Not normally quote in
(USD) dollars, (if you want a dollar price, we up our prices to
cover your risk, so better you take the risk & you get a
cheaper price). Foreign Exchange Rates
Choose & add what you want to purchase:
Description |
Prices. Tentative. Subject to change without
notice, Excluding sales tax, VAT MWST TVA etc if
applicable) |
Basic Fee for Data Aggregation etc. |
Not Yet Determined. Labour Charge To be advised by
email on enquiry. Depends hom much time needed to
document, configure, update to latest releases, answer
questions etc. |
Further Customisation Fee. |
Optional Dependent on individual extra
requirements if any. |
Media |
See Above At cost price we buy in
at. |
Media - Extra Duplicates (Sticks
wear out faster than hard disks) |
Optional See Above At
Cost |
Media - Extra Duplicates - Copy
Charge |
Optional 15 EUR |
WLAN Stick |
Optional See Above At
Cost |
Packing time (If not standard image download) &
Standard Image Download - Time to
set your net download key |
10 EUR |
Customised Image - Fee |
Optional Dependent on individual extra
requirements if any. |
Customised Image - Upload
Fee |
Optional 20 EUR |
Postage |
At Cost Price, un-registered, un-insured etc.
Optional Possibility: Per carrier eg UPS/ DHL/
FedEx as they cost considerably more, & we don't
have time to read their German language web sites re.
their requirements. If you have a customer account
number you can quote us, & we can give them, so you
pay the bill & you deal with all formalities, Yes,
we can use them.
Consultancy Fee For
FreeBSD Support, At
A Discount If Purchased In Advance, |
Optional |
Back To Index
- You must pay both the fee your bank charges you to remit
(send) internationally & the amount our bank charges us to
receive your remittance.
- Payment to be made in advance.
- A `simple' US dollar cheque would FAIL ! US dollar cheques
cost a tangible bank fee to clear outside USA, money we will
Not pay, so you must add that.
- Pay by bank transfer to our corporate British bank
- You must tell your bank to deduct both their senders &
our recipients bank charges from your account.
If you just pay your banks fees & not our banks fees we
will not action your order.
- Our Account details are Not yet here for reasons above.
- If you send a US dollar cheque, assume you will need to pay
us over GBP 10 Sterling extra to cover what our bank will
charge us. to cover banks extortionate fees for handling
international cheque clearing. (A decade back with another bank
author recalls a fee of perhaps GBP 8+, know what current fee
is, explore our new bank here:
- (If the banks surprise us with reasonable charges, we will
toss in an extra stick or service so you don't lose out).
- We have plans for more efficient banking later.
- We do not accept any credit or debit cards, No Credit Cards
No MasterCard Visa AmericanExpress DinersClub, PayPal etc. We
are a professional services company, geared for high value low
frequency occasional payments for consultancy, we have no
credit card mechanisms for lower value higher frequency
payments. pas@ may later advise on electronic payments
- We do not offer Cash On Delivery (= German Nachnahme)
- We do not action orders until funds are cleared (not just
received) in the company account.
- Discounts may be available for certain charities.
- Purchase Enquiries Welcome
- Back To Index
We don't bundle in a margin to be forwarded as donations to
FreeBSD We leave you to do that direct yourself if you
- It reduces work for us, &
- It leaves you certain they receive, & how
- It can mean you Only pay the
Foundation, & you pay us Nothing, ! (Thus we
may help the FreeBSD Foundation
while minimising administration
- As FreeBSD Foundation is
a USA tax exempt body, & we're European commercial
consultants, if you'r a USA donor, it's a Lot less hassle for
you to donate direct & get yourself a USA tax break
receipt too.
- There's also tons of other useful software on the
stick, & lots more
packages download-able to run with FreeBSD & lots of other
people & organisations would be grateful if you happened
to be happy enough with their software that you wanted to
donate something to support their continued work etc, browse
their documentation & READMEs in the source code &
packages etc.
- Back To Index
This is based on free source softwareIf you don't know about Free software start
We do Not own this aggregated software. We do not sell it to
you. We merely compiled it & aggregated it in the hope it
was in accordance withe licence & patents if they exist,
& would hopefully run most seems to run We disclaim all liability for copyright,
patents, usage licensing etc. You must read & comply with
license conditions of the various software you want to use.
Read legal & copyright etc notices in their
With so much software it's nigh impossible to get all
the licensing right: occasionally one encounters software that
allows source distribution, but not binary distribution. If we
supply any such binary by mistake, please do not use it, &
inform us, & recompile your own binary. Thanks.
Media pictured/linked to is just for interest, &
may change at any time, Prices are just snapshots, not
maintained, not an offer of sale, just to give a rough idea. We
have no relationship with media vendors currently, (except
we've bought from one).
Other Legal etc aspects are covered in & Back
To Index
Free Translator
Server Sites
FAQ Questions & Answers / To Merge:
Do you sell the equivalent on DVD for migration to a USB
- Not currently.
- No advantage to us unless you the reader/purchase are a
magazine publisher (if so please contact us)
a DVD is much more attractive than a stick as cheaper media for
a magazine. Years back author mastered a DVD that DrDobbs mag
was looking to licence, but after DrDobbs decided they didnt
want to ship it with every magazine of an issue, just on their
web site, Berklix did not pursue that further. Nice idea but
not cost effective, too much work for probably insufficient
- A DVD brings the disadvantage some people would mess up
converting to USB stick.
- A USB stick fits easily in a standard size envelope for
international postal services, A DVD needs a reinforced
package, more work & expense for Berklix to write & to
pack, & perhaps more likely detained by recipient's
national border customs authority for import tax ?
Do we know Knoppix ? Yes, a
nice live image for Linux. It also has a wikipedia page