NOT Available.
Not even on specific request. |
Auch nicht auf Spezifische Anfrage. |
If you want Word format: DIY
Falls Sie trotzdem Word wollen
- Start Word on Your computer, "Import" one of my
formats, eg Ascii or
HTML in your Word
- Lesen Sie selbst eines meiner Formate, z.B. Ascii oder HTML in ihr Word .Doc
- No, I will Not do it for you, I never use
- I do not have MS-Word, nor want it.
- Yes I have Open Office.
Yes it will export to StarWriter & other
formats. Won't export to MS-Word Format that I can
see, will import though, sufficient.
- Nein, Ich will es Nicht für Sie tun. Ich
benutze nie Microsoft
- Ich habe MS-Word nicht. Ich wollte es
- Ja, ich habe Open Office
- Try viewing PDF
Format accessible via Adobe's Acrobat on MS. -
Useful to Personnel/ HR/ Agents who aren't
competent in Unix.
- Probieren Sie PDF
Format via Adobe's Acrobat on MS. - Attraktiv
für Personnel/ Human Resources, &/or
Agents die nur MS benutzen wollen.
Not a publicly defined format
Common usage by clueless Microsoft addicts does not
make a format a publicly defined standard. Just a
viral proprietary non standard of a moving target
with version incompatibilities promoting ever more
license upgrade sales for monopolist
Microsoft fined by the EU court.
Nicht öffentliche definiert Format.
Word Usage Advertises Incompetence.
Warum Sie sollten Word _Nicht_ wollen !
- Some of the most competent Unix employers
seeking good staff, automatically discard
applicants who apply in MS Word format.
- Experienced Unix Consultants are averse to
advertising themselves with the taint of
Microsoft's Word .Doc .
- MS.Doc resumes are indicative of employers,
agents, & applicants not specialised in
- Using .Doc is a dis-advantage: It drags down
those wanting & offering serious in depth Unix
experience into a morass of those who've just done
a bit of Unix along with Microsoft. Cheap rates for
juniors with little Unix experience is not my
market segment

- Some Personnel / HR may be addicted to viral
Word, but they hire for permanent positions.
Resumes for contract jobs are read by more Unix
(Linux, BSD etc) oriented technical
- Business Reason To Refuse
Word .Doc :
- Agents demanding Word .Doc are Not Unix
recruitment specialists, else they'd know
- As they're not best agents to appreciate
specialist Unix skills, they can't be relied on to
appreciate what they're selling, & won't sell
at best hourly rate to customers who need
specialist Unix skills.
... .
- Nicht bester Vermittler, Unix skill am
hoechstens zu schaetzen, kaufen & weiter zu
- Purchasing/ Contract departments sometimes want
but they are answerable to Technical Project Leader
with budgets to selects consultants.
- I work for Technical Project Leaders (not
personnel, contracts, human resources departments
or agents), Project Leaders invariably appreciate
quality, & publicly defined open standard
formats supported by Unix, & are not enamoured
of Microsoft's monopolist proprietary bloated viral
If a job advertisement specifies
"Supply CV/Resume in Word format".
it advertises:
Falls einem Unix Werbung enthalt zb
"Bei Interesse senden Sie uns bitte Ihr
IT-Profil (Word-Format)"
es Bedeutet:
- Clueless agent / firm, Not specialised in
- Insults, burdens, & deters Unix
professionals by inflicting viral product / format
from competitor Microsoft.
- Ahnungloser vermittler Firma, nicht in Unix
- Beleidigt, belastet, & abschrekt Unix
profis mit verpflichtung zu viral Produkt/
Put an End to Word Attachments by
My standard email reply to
Meine standard- mässige Email